"Your passage to Success"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Native Yupik Eskimo

The Eskimo: The Inuit and Yupik People (New True Books) Some people usually try to stay away from politics, it is the most heated debate in America today.  However,  it has been hard hearing so many negative remarks about our current President Obama.  Our President has spoken kindly, never losing his temper, and arriving at difficult resolutions.  Even under the leadership of other previous Presidents I have never heard anyone concern about their birth.   Some of today's political pundits complain about where our current President was born.   Every since I started keeping up with the political movement, I have never heard any political candidate questioned about the origin of an President's birth place.   Is it wise to continue to this type movement?  Maybe or Maybe not.

Now, there is prior candidate from Alaska who relatives are related to the Native of Yupik Eskimo.  I wonder how will the pundits receive a native American Yupik living in the Whitehouse.   It looks like the first known American will have an opportunity to really be a part of the American dream, if the person from Alaska decides to run for the highest seat in the political office. 

I plan to study more about the Native American Yupik to really find out more about their culture.  How did they end up in Alaska?  The more we learn about each other the less we have to destroy each other with words. 

Have our nation gone to far to accept other nationalities to rule America? 

Mommy Millionaire: How I Turned My Kitchen Table Idea into a Million Dollars and How You Can, Too!Kim Lavine, has written an awesome guide for individuals needing instructions in "Building a Business".   This book is packed with great information for home base business, Entrepreneurs, or Small Business owners.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Civil Right Leader - Dr. Dorothy Heights

Open Wide The Freedom Gates: A MemoirI was able to see Dr. Dorothy Heights in person in Dallas Texas some years ago.  I was very sadden to hear she had passed on, but we must keep her in the forefront of each generation.  Dr. Dorothy Height, left this nation an historical legacy like none other.  

Dr. Dorothy Height will never be forgotten!

Do Latinos Know We’re ‘Brothers and Sisters?’

Do Latinos Know We’re ‘Brothers and Sisters?’

Money Mondays: Why to Complete Census Forms

Money Mondays: Why to Complete Census Forms

Book Corner Knowledge - "The American Census - A Social History"

The American Census: A Social History

Book Corner Knowledge - "Latino In America"

Latino in America (Celebra Books) The Latino's is a close knitted community, like any other group of people.  But it is great to explore different cultures and groups of people. Many times different culture are misunderstood, because of the "lack of knowledge.  When Soledad O'Brien, broadcast the "Latino's In American," it was an informative show.  It was an eye opener to see the different color tones of Latino's.   How they live? What family life forces they draw from? Where the Latino's orginated from? When they arrived in America? There is great richness and favor in the Latino community.

Many people should make it a point to learn something about someone elses heritage and culture.   When an inidividual learn more it is knowledge as Sir Francis Bacon stated "Knowledge is Power."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Illegal Immigration Law in Arizona

Illegal Immigration (Opposing Viewpoints)Many illegal immigrates are in America, because it was once said "they work jobs noone else wants to work."   The borders were an open invitation to cross into America to work.  What is happening now? Stricter laws and penalties are being enforced in Arizona. Now, Arizona has passed a law, which is said to be the "toughest Immigation Law" ever written in the United States.

There were many news media, and videos showing protest about this law. And one picture that stood out in a picture I viewed was a child and her mother carrying a sign reading "We Are Human."

Is it wise to enforce such an harsh law, when so many are protesting for their freedom?  Please post your comments.

So stay tune for more upcoming reports about this law, because it is getting heated.