"Your passage to Success"

Friday, August 21, 2009

Economy Bouncing Back

I am some what of a basketball fan! And if you are a follower of the game the teams are either in Offensive or Defensive mode! Sometimes the team that I am supporting, may not have their game ON, than I would usually start supporting the opposing side (just kidding).

I know everyone has been following the Stock Market, and apparently it closed HIGHER today! At this junction in the road, from the score board of the Stock Market, the Economy has the Ball, and the opposing team Recession is trying to steal the ball. The game could end up as a toss-up or it will go into overtime. All the predictions are stating "that the Economy is Rebounding back!" But the game could go into overtime to play pass October, November then on into December. So, stay tune for the game ending buzzer in December. Hopefully, we should know the score by the time the buzzer sounds.

The Stock Market scoreboard may reflect that the Economy has won the GAME, or that Recession has fouled Economy out!

There has to be humor with the way this Economy has been this year, sometimes individuals have to view the world of economics as a game. But remember when the Economy loses to Recession, We the American People Lose!

Friday, August 7, 2009

School System - Robert Kiyosaki

I enjoy hearing positive information from Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dads, Poor Dads. I was posting on FB (Facebook), and a good friend pass on this video. It is full of great gems, so enjoy!

The Everyday Cash Heist from Conspiracy of the Rich on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Government Run Program

Lately, the drum beat about the Government Run Programs, have been sounding quite loud! And the all oppositions have really been sounding off either for or against more Government Run Programs. Now every American have the right to voice their opinion, each individual acts as a stockholder in the Government by the way of paying their taxes! And boy they have been sounding off!

Since the drum beat is getting louder! It would be good to know what Government Run Programs, are directly or indirectly affecting the American people today. Below are few Government Run Programs functioning:
  • Social Security (Provide funds to the Elderly, Disable, and Handicap), which may not be available for some of us when it is time to collect.
  • State School (Provided to individuals, who may not have the luxury to attend Private Schools or obtain school vouchers)
  • State Lunch Programs (Provided to those individuals from single parent home, parents laid-off, or fall the below the poverty level)
  • Medicare / Medicaid (Provide the Elderly, Disable, Handicap, and again to those that fall below the poverty level), which may soon run out!
  • Welfare (As we know today, it has been reformed, but States still receives funding)
  • State Employment (Provide assistance and training for the unemployed worker)

These are only to name a few programs that I could think of right now! We can say that these programs are providing supplemental relief for many Americans.

Some may ask how we arrived at providing so many programs for the American Public? Let's take a brief stroll down history lane. Since the law was decreed by Caesar Agusutus "that all the world should be taxed", and by the way this quote was taken from the bible Luke 2:1 KJV. Caesar, required the whole world to pay their taxes, which contributed to the greatness of Rome in his era! Let's say since there are so many Government Programs that the American people have contributed their hard earned taxes too; one could only wonder what would people do, if there were no Government Run Programs. What would our world look like today? How would our nation function without government intervention? Are you curious to know? Our only guess could be Chaos? No Law and Order?

However, we as American do pay taxes and our funds (Taxes) should be allotted to helping Americans!

"Believe In Me" - Dalton Sherman

My cousin emailed me this video, and I just had to pass it on! It definitely will Inspire, Motivate, and cause you to Believe. And if you really listen to the message of this young kid, it will possibly bring you to tears. So enjoy the message.....